
Does the Prophet follow his own council?

November 2020, during the pandemic the Prophet released a video to encourage people to be grateful, 7 days before thanksgiving, He says God revealed to him that he should do this https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/inspiration/the-story-behind-my-global-prayer-of-gratitude?lang=eng  

People are dying every day and all God cares about is that we are grateful?   

The prophet asked everyone to use social media as a daily gratitude journal, but he didn't do that and none of the 12 did it daily and some didn't do it at all, most only did it once or twice. 

Shouldn't a leader, lead by example? 

Why didn't the 12 follow the admonition of the prophet to post daily? 

Why didn't the prophet post daily? 

Government seems to run by dictating laws to the citizens but the senators and congresspeople don't feel like they have to keep the same laws. Does the church run the same way?   

1 comment:

  1. It is really disturbing that the Q15 set apart Nelson prior to obtaining confirmation vote of the members. Contrary to scripture.


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