
Ordained multiple times?

Here (in the third paragraph) and here (in the 4th paragraph) shows that Lyman Wight ordained Joseph to the high priesthood, if Peter, James and John (source) had already done that then why did Lyman do it again?  

Alma baptized himself when he baptized the first person at the waters of Mormon but no where else does it say someone else had already baptized him, so while weird, it isn't totally crazy I guess. Why would Joseph be ordained a second time if he had already been ordained? I suppose you could be literal (like Bushman suggests) and say Peter, James and John ordained him to be an apostle and Lyman Wight ordained him to be a high priest, I could be wrong but I thought once you were ordained to a higher priesthood you automatically had the lower priesthood. I also thought in the church we ordained new converts to each priesthood in order. I suppose you could say maybe JS misunderstood something, but if God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and if his gospel is plain and simple then wouldn't Peter, James and John have known Joseph needed to be ordained to be a high priest before being ordained to be an apostle and wouldn't they have taken care of that and let JS know what was going on?   

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