President Nelson/prophets/apostles doesn't get revelation or can't tell when he's getting revelation:
2015 policy to exclude gays
Nelson says revelation was involved in creating the policy
Greg Prince says that Pres. Monson had dementia at the time, it was in direct response to the supreme court decision, Tom Christopherson said that his brother didn't know about it until the day they had to vote on it
2018 policy to reverse the exclusion of gays
Oaks claims revelation again was received to help create this policy
Why would God reveal a policy that prevents someone from receiving ordinances of salvation for the sins of someone else?
Why would God reveal a policy that had to be reversed with in 3 years?
Did he want to get rid of people in the church that felt charity towards gays and that believed Jesus's command to "suffer the little children to come to him"?
Did he want to try gay people and people who have charity towards them?
Why would a trial include preventing people from receiving ordinances needed for salvation?
Here are some more thoughts I've had with regards to this issue:
God gives us commandments but if we won't keep them he will take them away.
If God loves us and wants to save us then why would he give us a commandment that he knows we won't follow? That's cruel. If I tell Forrest that I'll take him fishing if he mows the lawn, but I know that he can't mow the lawn, am I being a loving father? If God gives Gays a commandment knowing that they can't be happy and keep the commandment is he a loving father?
If God knows we can't or won't keep a commandment why would he give it to us? Is it to rub our nose in it? Show us how fallen and evil we are? Is a parent really a loving parent if they constantly remind their child how bad they are?
God wasn't sure what would happen and when people didn't accept the policy and the church looked bad he reversed it.
If God didn't know how things were going to work out then he's not really the God we thought he was, he's failable and not omniscient. If he's not omniscient then how can we be sure he has any power to save us or do anything for us? This option just seems crazy.
The prophet didn't ask God and was acting as a man when it was released or when it was reversed
If this is the case then why should we do anything the prophets or apostles tell us is from God? They are liars and just make things up as they go and as members of the church we have no way to let the know they got it wrong and if we speak out against them we get excommunicated. There's no feedback system so we can let the leaders of the church know they are getting things wrong and acting like men instead of prophets and apostles.
I don't feel the spirit when I ask questions. I have felt what I thought was the spirit letting me know God loves me, helping me feel kindness or love towards someone, reading or discussing gospel topics related to treating people with love and kindness. I've never felt the spirit when I ask questions, like is the church true, is the prophet really the prophet, is some point of doctrine really from God. I'm sure I'm not the only person like this, is God really a loving God if he lets the prophets act like men, have their agency and lead the whole church astray when there are lots of us that can't tell when the prophet is acting like a man or acting like a prophet?
If baptism is the only way to be saved, then why would God command people to not let their kids get baptized?
If the church is the best place to find happiness and draw closer to God then why would God command people or those people's children to not participate in church just because they are living a lifestyle that is considered sinful by the church?
Who did Jesus spend his time with?
What did Jesus command his disciples regarding the little children?
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