I read this article recently https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/mormon-church-100-billion-fund-gamestop-stock-gain-tesla-stake-2021-5-1030442617
Jesus didn't tell the rich man to hoard his wealth for a rainy day, Jesus told him to sell it and give to the poor. Wasn't Jesus the one that said "think not on the morrow, God provides for the birds, are ye not of more worth" If you follow Jesus, you wouldn't save any money. Maybe you can justify some savings but would Jesus really want you to save so much money that you could end world hunger by yourself and then not do that?
Google estimates 7 billion dollars a year would end world hunger. 7 billion is also how much interest the church makes on 120+ billion in one average year, so the church could keep the investment fund and only use interest to end world hunger. If Jesus was truly running things wouldn't he do that? What better way to spread the gospel than to be the church that ends world hunger? How many people would start listening to the missionaries and join the church from that one act of charity?
This bothers me because I was following Jesus, I wasn't saving much for retirement, I was trying to make sure I was doing what Jesus said to take care of the poor, and I thought tithing and fast offerings helped. The church added a disclaimer to their tithing slips a few years ago, whatever you donate the church can be used however they want. How much money have I given to the church, under the impression it would be used to help the poor, but really it ended up in investments? Wouldn't Jesus be transparent so that members could know exactly where every penny was going? Would he really use the widow's mite to buy shares in GameStop or Microsoft? Is that the Jesus we follow?
The church doesn't appear to follow Jesus in this regard. Some Churches show online how much money they bring in each year and what they do with it. Why are random churches more transparent than God’s one true church? I think Mormonism isn’t Jesus’ church nor does it follow him.
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